Python libraries

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Kodi Python comes with all the standard modules from Python 3.8 or later. See for reference.

Built-in modules

In addition to the standard libraries, Kodi Python uses a handful of custom modules to expose Kodi functionality to Python.

Up to date documentation about these modules can be found at

Module Description
xbmc Offers classes and functions that provide information about the media currently playing and that allow manipulation of the media player (such as starting a new song). You can also find system information using the functions available in this library.
xbmcgui Offers classes and functions that manipulate the Graphical User Interface through windows, dialogs, and various control widgets.
xbmcplugin Offers classes and functions that allow a developer to present information through XBMC's standard menu structure. While plugins don't have the same flexibility as scripts, they boast significantly quicker development time and a more consistent user experience.
xbmcaddon Offers classes and functions that manipulate the add-on settings, information and localization.
xbmcvfs Offers classes and functions offers acces to the Virtual File Server (VFS) which you can use to manipulate files and folders.

Third-party modules

Numerous python modules are already packages as add-ons that can be imported by other add-on. See Category:Add-on_libraries/modules for a list of available modules. To use any of these modules with your add-on, add the relevant line to Addon.xml

Installing additional modules

Additional modules may be installed by simply adding the module to the root folder of your add-on.

A common way to organized third-party modules that are not part of add-on source code itself, is to add a lib directory and place an file and other third-party modules inside it. These modules may then normally be imported using from lib import somemodule.