Archive:Alternative keymaps for Apple remote

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Revision as of 00:03, 13 September 2011 by Ned Scott (talk | contribs)
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<!-- This file contains the mapping of keys (gamepad, remote, and keyboard) to actions within XBMC -->
<!-- The <global> section is a fall through - they will only be used if the button is not          -->
<!-- used in the current window's section.  Note that there is only handling                       -->
<!-- for a single action per button at this stage.                                                 -->
<!-- For joystick/gamepad configuration under linux/win32, see below as it differs from xbox       -->
<!-- gamepads.                                                                                     -->

<!-- The format is:                      -->
<!--    <device>                         -->
<!--      <button>action</button>        -->
<!--    </device>                        -->

<!-- To map keys from other remotes using the RCA protocol, you may add <universalremote> blocks -->
<!-- In this case, the tags used are <obc#> where # is the original button code (OBC) of the key -->
<!-- You set it up by adding a <universalremote> block to the window or <global> section:       -->
<!--    <universalremote>             -->
<!--       <obc45>Stop</obc45>         -->
<!--    </universalremote>            -->

<!-- Note that the action can be a built-in function.                 -->
<!--  eg <B>XBMC.ActivateWindow(MyMusic)</B>                         -->
<!-- would automatically go to My Music on the press of the B button. -->

<!-- Joysticks / Gamepads:                                                                    -->
<!--   See the sample PS3 controller configuration below for the format.                      -->
<!--                                                                                          -->
<!--  Joystick Name:                                                                          -->
<!--   Do 'cat /proc/bus/input/devices' or see your xbmc log file  to find the names of       -->
<!--   detected joysticks. The name used in the configuration should match the detected name. -->
<!--                                                                                          -->
<!--  Button Ids:                                                                             -->
<!--   'id' is the button ID used by SDL. Joystick button ids of connected joysticks appear   -->
<!--   in xbmc.log when they are pressed. Use your log to map custom buttons to actions.      -->
<!--                                                                                          -->
<!--  Axis Ids / Analog Controls                                                              -->
<!--   Coming soon.                                                                           -->
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <!-- plus       -->      <button id="1">Up</button>
      <!-- minus      -->      <button id="2">Down</button>
      <!-- left       -->      <button id="3">Left</button>
      <!-- right      -->      <button id="4">Right</button>
      <!-- center     -->      <button id="5">Select</button>
      <!-- menu       -->      <button id="6">PreviousMenu</button>
      <!-- hold center  -->    <button id="7">Fullscreen</button>
      <!-- hold menu  -->      <button id="8">ContextMenu</button>
      <!-- old buttons for ATV <2.2, used on OSX  -->
      <!-- hold left  -->      <button id="9">Left</button>
      <!-- hold right -->      <button id="10">Right</button>
      <!-- new aluminium remote buttons  -->
      <!-- play  -->           <button id="12">Play</button>
      <!-- Learned remote buttons (ATV >2.3) -->
      <!-- Play -->      <button id="70">Play</button>
      <!-- Pause -->      <button id="71">Pause</button>
      <!-- Stop -->      <button id="72">Stop</button>
      <!-- Previous -->      <button id="73">SkipPrevious</button>
      <!-- Next -->      <button id="74">SkipNext</button>
      <!-- Rewind -->      <button id="75">Rewind</button>
      <!-- Forward -->      <button id="76">FastForward</button>
      <!-- Return -->      <button id="77">OSD</button>
      <!-- Enter -->      <button id="78">ShowVideoMenu</button>
      <!-- few gestures from Apple's iPhone Remote (ATV > 2.3 ?) -->
      <!-- SwipeLeft  -->      <button id="80">Left</button>
      <!-- SwipeRight  -->      <button id="81">Right</button>
      <!-- SwipeUp  -->      <button id="82">Up</button>
      <!-- SwipeDown  -->      <button id="83">Down</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">XBMC.ActivateWindow(Favourites)</button>
      <button id="8">ActivateWindow(shutdownmenu)</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">ParentDir</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Playlist</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">ParentDir</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">ParentDir</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">ParentDir</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="1">BigStepForward</button>
      <button id="2">BigStepBack</button>
      <button id="3">StepBack</button>
      <button id="4">StepForward</button>
      <button id="5">OSD</button>
      <button id="6">Stop</button>
      <button id="7">AudioNextLanguage</button>
      <button id="8">SmallStepBack</button>
      <button id="9">Rewind</button>
      <button id="10">FastForward</button>
      <button id="11">FastForward</button>
      <button id="12">Pause</button>
      <button id="13"></button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="1">VolumeUp</button>
      <button id="2">VolumeDown</button>
      <button id="3">SkipPrevious</button>
      <button id="4">SkipNext</button>
      <button id="5">Pause</button>
      <button id="6">Fullscreen</button>
      <button id="7">XBMC.ActivateWindow(MusicOSD)</button>
      <button id="8">Stop</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="1">ZoomIn</button>
      <button id="2">ZoomOut</button>
      <button id="3">PreviousPicture</button>
      <button id="4">NextPicture</button>
      <button id="6">Stop</button>
      <button id="7">Info</button>
      <button id="8">Rotate</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="5">NextCalibration</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="5">Select</button>
      <button id="6">Stop</button>
      <button id="7">OSD</button>
      <button id="8"/>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">ParentDir</button>
      <button id="7">Info</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">ParentDir</button>
      <button id="7">Info</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Playlist</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="3">Left</button>
      <button id="4">Right</button>
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">ParentDir</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="6">Close</button>