HOW-TO:HelloWorld addon

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This How To will explain several ways of showing a "Hello World" popup on screen


Using xbmc modules

Simple example using xbmc python modules showing a notification dialog that will show for 5 seconds.

using build-in functions

More info on Built-In functions can be found here: List_of_built-in_functions

import xbmc
import xbmcaddon

__addon__       = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
__addonname__   = __addon__.getAddonInfo('name')
__icon__        = __addon__.getAddonInfo('icon')

line1 = "This is a simple example of notifications"
time = 5000  #in miliseconds


using xbmcgui module

This will show a OK dilaog box with the message More info on xbmcgui functions can be found here: [ ]

import xbmc
import xbmcaddon
import xbmcgui

__addon__       = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
__addonname__   = __addon__.getAddonInfo('name')
__icon__        = __addon__.getAddonInfo('icon')

line1 = "This is a simple example of OK dialog"
line2 = "Showing this message using"
line3 = "XBMC python modules"

xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(__addonname__, line1, line2, line3)


Using xbmc modules & JSON-RPC API

More info on JSON-RPC API can be found here: JSON-RPC_API

This JSON-RPC command send through various ways and will execute the addon code that is shown below.

    'jsonrpc': '2.0',
    'id': 0,
    'method': 'Addons.ExecuteAddon',
    'params': {
        'addonid': 'script.popup',
        'params': {
            'image': 'D:\\heartagram.jpg',
            'line1': 'Hello World',
            'line2': 'Showing this message using',
            'line3': 'Combination of XBMC python modules and',
            'line4': 'JSON-RPC API interface',
            'line5': 'Have fun coding',

This python code will create several controls using xbmcgui module and fill these will the message send through JSON-RPC:

import xbmcgui
import sys
import urlparse

class PopupWindow(xbmcgui.WindowDialog):
    def __init__(self, image, line1, line2, line3, line4, line5):
        self.addControl(xbmcgui.ControlImage(x=25, y=25, width=150, height=150, filename=image[0]))
        self.addControl(xbmcgui.ControlLabel(x=190, y=25, width=500, height=25, label=line1[0]))
        self.addControl(xbmcgui.ControlLabel(x=190, y=50, width=500, height=25, label=line2[0]))
        self.addControl(xbmcgui.ControlLabel(x=190, y=75, width=500, height=25, label=line3[0]))
        self.addControl(xbmcgui.ControlLabel(x=190, y=100, width=500, height=25, label=line4[0]))
        self.addControl(xbmcgui.ControlLabel(x=190, y=125, width=500, height=25, label=line5[0]))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    params = urlparse.parse_qs('&'.join(sys.argv[1:]))
    window = PopupWindow(**params)
    del window

See also
