HOW-TO:Create add-on PRs using Git Subtree Merging

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First time setup

Clone the XBMC addon repository:

git clone [email protected]:xbmc/repo-plugins.git
cd repo-plugins

For this example we will use an addon named "myaddon". Add the git repo where you addon resides as a remote:

git remote add myaddon [email protected]:me/myaddon.git
git fetch myaddon

Create a new branch for the addon:

git checkout -b myaddon_branch myaddon/master

The current directory should contain the files from the myaddon repository. To switch back to gotham branch of the "repo-plugins" repository:

git checkout gotham

Note: If your addon already exist in repo, it must first be removed with:

git rm -r

Now we use subtree merge to pull myaddon into the gotham branch of repo-plugins:

git read-tree -u myaddon_branch

To see the changes that are about to be committed:

git diff --staged

Finally, commit the changes:

git commit -m "[] 1.0.1"
git push origin gotham

You can now open a PR on Github.

Note: Remember to send the PR to the correct branch. If you have pushed to gotham branch, you should request pull to the gotham branch in repo.

Updating addon to a new version

Updating the addon is now easy. For this example we pull the master branch from myaddon:

git checkout gotham
git pull --strategy subtree --squash myaddon master
git commit -m "[] 1.0.2"
git push origin gotham

For more info about Subtree Merging see