Archive:HOW-TO:Configure VRC-1100 remote for Ubuntu

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Revision as of 21:42, 28 January 2015 by Ronbaby (talk | contribs) (Added updated information to make VRC-1100 work on recent vintage Ubuntus.)
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This page is all about getting the Hama MCE Remote 52451 (also known as the VRC-1100) to run with XBMC.

This remote is sold under several brand names or non-branded and is made by Ortek (check it out here).

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The information presented below is no longer applicable to recent vintage (Jan 2015) versions of Ubuntu, e.g. 14.04.1 LTS and/or 14.10. (If you look carefully you'll see that the info given below is relevant to Ubuntu 9.10, which is really old now.) It appears that (at least) Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS and beyond, the VRC-1100 is fully supported by the OS for use with XBMC/Kodi out of the box, however with one important caveat: Ubuntu's default desktop environment, Unity, with its default settings, greedily grabs some of the key presses from the VRC-1100 before they even make it to XBMC/Kodi. The results is that the big round mouse thingy and many/most of the keys on the VRC-1100 will appear to work OK, but others, such as STOP and NEXT (chapter) won't do anything at all. Fortunately, there is a simple solution: In the Ubuntu desktop, go to System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Sound and Media and disable each of the relevant shortcuts by selecting them then pressing backspace. Your VRC-1100 should now be fully functional with XBMC/Kodi. No reboot required.

NOTE: There is also an alternative tool available on trac for using the HAMA MCE remote with XBMC that works around the unusual protocol used by this remote.

Hama mce remote.jpg

As reference system I use a minimal Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic).

UDev rule

First you have to create an own udev rule to ensure, that your device nodes are always the same.

We get the vendor id and the product id from /proc/bus/input/devices:

cat /proc/bus/input/devices

the output is something like this:


I: Bus=0003 Vendor=05a4 Product=9881 Version=0110
N: Name="HID 05a4:9881"
P: Phys=usb-0000:00:06.0-1/input0
S: Sysfs=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:06.0/usb4/4-1/4-1:1.0/input/input4
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=kbd event4 
B: EV=120013
B: KEY=e080ffdf01cfffff fffffffffffffffe
B: MSC=10
B: LED=7

I: Bus=0003 Vendor=05a4 Product=9881 Version=0110
N: Name="HID 05a4:9881"
P: Phys=usb-0000:00:06.0-1/input1
S: Sysfs=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:06.0/usb4/4-1/4-1:1.1/input/input5
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=kbd mouse1 event5 
B: EV=17
B: KEY=1f0000 2020000 3878d801d001 1e000000000000 0
B: REL=103
B: MSC=10


What we need are the numbers behind Vendor= and Product=. In my case 05a4 and 9881. We also need to know the minor and major numbers. In my example, I need to run these two commands.

udevadm info -q all -n /dev/input/event3
udevadm info -q all -n /dev/input/event4

At the bottom you will find the MINOR and MAJOR numbers, in my example these are: 13, 13 (majors) and 68, 69 (minors)

Now we write a new rules file for udev:

nano /etc/udev/rules.d/10-irremote.rules

and put the following content in:


Note the numbers for idVendor and idProduct are the numbers we got from /proc/bus/input/devices.

Alternatively, you can avoid relying on specific minor numbers with:

KERNEL=="event*",SUBSYSTEM=="input",ATTRS{idVendor}=="05a4",ATTRS{idProduct}=="9881",IMPORT{program}="input_id %p"

Note that without the KERNEL match irremote1 is attached to a device sometimes which seems to be an inappropriate ioctl device (no event but only mouse).

Now restart udev and trigger a new discovery:

restart udev #notice for Gentoo: rc-service udev restart
udevadm trigger

(Restarting udev is optional at least as of Ubuntu lucid, and likely others.)

Under /dev/input should now be two more symlinks: irremote0 and irremote1:

ls /dev/input

Lirc installation

First you have to install lirc and inputlirc:

sudo apt-get install lirc inputlirc

You get some screens asking for IR remotes. Say none to every question here.


This is the hardware.conf (located under /etc/lirc/hardware.conf)

# /etc/lirc/hardware.conf
#Chosen Remote Control

#Chosen IR Transmitter

#Enable lircd

#Don't start lircmd even if there seems to be a good config file

#Try to load appropriate kernel modules

# Default configuration files for your hardware if any

#Forcing noninteractive reconfiguration
#If lirc is to be reconfigured by an external application
#that doesn't have a debconf frontend available, the noninteractive
#frontend can be invoked and set to parse REMOTE and TRANSMITTER
#It will then populate all other variables without any user input
#If you would like to configure lirc via standard methods, be sure
#to leave this set to "false"

Note, that START_LIRCD is set to false, because we don't need the LIRC-Daemon.


The file /etc/lirc/lircd.conf is empty.


EVENTS="/dev/input/irremote0 /dev/input/irremote1"
OPTIONS="-g -m 0 -c"

The entries unter EVENTS are the devices we created via udev. The OPTION entries mean the following:

-g Grabs the input from the devices, specified under EVENTS, so that no other application interferes with it.
-m 0 By default, all keycodes below 88 are filtered out. This setting ensures, that all keycodes are captured
-c Because some of the keys on the remote are mapped to keys with modifiers, this option maps this codes to single events.

In Gentoo, you have to modify the file /etc/conf.d/inputlircd instead. Make it look like this:

# Options to pass to the lircd process
INPUTLIRCD_OPTS="-g -m 0 -c /dev/input/irremote0 /dev/input/irremote1"

Now restart inputlirc

/etc/init.d/inputlirc restart

You can now test the device via 'irw':


This are some sample output from irw:

14 0 CTRL_SHIFT_KEY_T irremote0
a4 0 KEY_PLAYPAUSE irremote1
a4 0 KEY_PLAYPAUSE irremote1
a6 0 KEY_STOPCD irremote1
110 0 BTN_LEFT irremote1
110 0 BTN_MOUSE /dev/input/irremote1
111 0 BTN_RIGHT /dev/input/irremote1
6c 0 KEY_DOWN /dev/input/irremote0
6c 0 KEY_DOWN /dev/input/irremote0
67 0 KEY_UP /dev/input/irremote0

due to a move of /dev/lircd to /var/run/lirc/lircd in the LIRC project the default device of irw is now the one under /var... Either insert a sym link or let the inputlircd generate the lircd Unix Domain Socket at the new location with adding the '-d /var/run/lirc/lircd' to the inputlirc options - this is just needed for the test with irw!

Configuration XBMC


Important: The remote device attribute content is the mapping between the recognized input device and the remote commands defined in this file:

 <remote device="NameAsShownIn.irw.Output">
 <remote device="irremote1">
 <remote device="/dev/input/irremote1">

This is my Lircmap.xml:

      <remote device="irremote1">
      <remote device="irremote0">

Note: With some controls, a BTN_LEFT event isn't sent by the control for the left mouse button - instead, it sends BTN_MOUSE. Try changing it in the above configuration if you find that you can't access the context menu.

Note 2: If you find that you suffer this problem where pausing and unpausing video seems to cause a problem with buffering, you may want to employ the workaround that's suggested and make use of the "play" button rather than the "pause" button - so change:




There's no difference between the play and pause buttons on the remote - they both send the same event, so you just have to decide whether you want it to send "play" or "pause".


      <back>Playlist</back>      <!-- Close playlist -->
      <info>Info</info>      <!-- clears debug python info -->

After a restart, the Remote should now work fluently with XMBC.

At the moment, 14th of September,there is a glitch with xbmc source code. Checkout this ticket for more info [1]