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XBMC (formerly named "XBox Media Center") is a free and open source software (GPL) Cross-platform media player and media center entertainment hub. Originally developed as XBox Media Player (XBMP) for the first-generation Xbox game console in 2002, XBMC eventually have became a complete graphical user interface replacement for the Xbox Dashboard and more, as it has also been ported to also run natively under Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows operating-system.

Contributing to the XBMC project

Third-party developers/programmers can make and submit source code patches/modules with new features, functions or bug-fixes to us via our project site. XBMC's source code is made up of a mix of programming-languages (mostly C++ with some Assembly, and C libraries). XBMC uses Microsoft DirectX multimedia framework (Direct3D) on the Xbox (as the Xbox does not support OpenGL), and the SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) framework with OpenGL rendering for other operating-system platforms, (such as Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows). XBMC main program (including the GUI) is mainly developed in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 (7.1) IDE and for the Xbox requires a copy of the latest Microsoft Xbox SDK (a.k.a. XDK) to be compiled, (later versions of Microsoft Visual Studio are not supported by the XDK). XBMC's code also contain four multimedia-player cores which has to be compiled seperatly, (and work seemslessly to the end-user), none of these player-cores require the XDK to be compiled, (they are instead compiled with [ MinGW/MSYS). One generic audio/video-player core based on MPlayer, one in-house developed (FFmpeg-based) dedicated DVD-Video player core (for DVD-movies with menus), one in-house developed dedicated music-player core, and one in-house developed Tracker-Mod (audio-modules) player.

Some of the XBMC libraries are in the C programming-languages but those then uses a C++ wrapper and are loaded via XBMC's own DLL loader. The Xbox Operating-System/BIOS is kind of Win32-based however it does have all of the resources or capabilities of a full Microsoft Windows Operating-System, (for example: DirectShow, registry, nor DLL are nativly supported on the Xbox). Because of the constraints on the hardware (like only 64MB shared memory and a 733Mhz PIII CPU) and the XDK environment of the Xbox, all software development for XBMC is highly focused on reserving the limited resourses that exist, the main hindrance of which is the amount of available random access memory at any one time, (which is why XBMC code structure is built so modular, enabling libraries to be unloaded when they are not in active use). For more detailed information about XBMC inner working please follow these links and the categories at the end of this article:

XBMC programming and code formatting convention guidelines

Note! More specifics to come based on ongoing discussions, see Proposed code formatting conventions for XBMC

General guidelines

  • Code documentation (DocBook, rst, or doxygen for the code documentation steps, preferably the latter, doxygen)
  • Self-containment - XBMC should be as little dependent as possible on operating-system and third-party services/deamons/libraries
    • XBMC should for example contain all file-system and network-client (like samba) support built-into the XBMC package
  • Modular design - independent modules made up by localized/isolated code libraries without dependencies
    • XBMC should still compile and run if a non-essencial module/library is disabled or removed
  • Aim for the GUI/interface to run smoothly on a low spec computer (less than 1Ghz)
    • 3D graphic controller (GPU) will always be required hardware for XBMC so try to utilize the GPU as much as possible
  • Avoid harddisk trashing (excess read/write/erase cycles), so no harddrive paging, (utilize RAM memory intead).
    • End-users will be running XBMC and the operating-system on Solid-State memory as a Live CD (LiveDistro) of a USB-key
  • Fast load and boot times for end-user perception (other thing can still run/start in the background without the user knowledge)

User-friendliness is next to godlyness

One of Team-XBMC major ongoing goal have always been to make XBMC and its user interface even more intuitive and user-friendly for its end-users, based on the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) philosophy. We think that usability is very important for media players like XBMC. Many user interface deciscions are being made by developers who often have little experience in user interface design, in order to improve this, we try to listen to XBMC's end-users for how XBMC is actually being used and how we can improve the user experience. We also aim to do regular overhauls, improving existing features/functions, and scrapping outdated code and features/functions (as "to much stuff" can also be a bad thing).

XBMC as a whole must...

  • Be easy to install, set-up, configure, and maintain, (so that the end-users do not get fed up with it and quit).
  • Have an user interface simple and intuitive enough so that less geek-savvy people are not intimidated by it.
  • Be able to play audio and video files that have been compressed using divx, xvid, etc. directly out-of-the-box
  • Be able to and organize audio and video files in an easy and user-friendly way.
  • Use standards and be consistant, (the music section can for example not use completely different controls from the video section)
  • Perform actions in the GUI with as few 'clicks' as possible
  • Require little to none non-GUI configuration (and all such non-GUI config should be via advancedsettings.xml)
    • There is still a little work to be done here, for example RSS-feeds settings need to moved to the GUI
  • Look nice.

Development Catagory Sections

Development HOW-TO

Note! If you are a programmer/developer but not have access to VS.NET and the XDK then you can work on XBMC for Linux, XBMC for Mac OS X, or XBMC for Windows (Win32), (or you can contribute indirectly by helping the FFmpeg project as all XBMC versions uses FFmpeg open source codec-libraries). See bellow for more information.

XBMC for Linux

FYI; XBMC for Linux is a port of XBMC for Xbox:

XBMC for Mac OS X

FYI; XBMC for Mac OS X is a sub-project of the *XBMC for Linux port project:

XBMC for Windows (Win32)

FYI; XBMC for Windows (Win32) is a sub-project of the *XBMC for Linux port project:

XBMC for Xbox

Contact methods

These are developers forums for XBMC development, (programmers/coders only!).
Respect, these are not for posting feature-requests or end-user support requests!